Have you recently made the transition from traditional cigarettes to vape pens? Are you one step away from becoming smoke-free altogether?
Deciding to quit smoking is difficult, and learning to pick up vaping should not stop you from making the switch.
This article aims to guide you through the do's and don't of vaping. We will answer all of your "where can I vape?" questions. Hopefully, this article will provide some insights to the right places to vape, when you may consider pausing your vaping, and what your average daily usage may be.
Be aware of local regulations about where you may or may not vape. Certain places regulate public vaping the same way as smoking and these rules should be adhered to. This may include not vaping in the vicinity or presence of minors or in enclosed spaces.
With this in mind, there are places where you can vape unhindered, as a less pollutive alternative to cigarette smoking, such as:
- At home: Vape freely and comfortably at home with a peace of mind as your vaping produces no smoke that may leave odours and stains on your walls or furniture. Vapor from e-cigarettes do not have the same damaging effects on your surroundings although you should consider allowing a good air circulation to prevent moisture from your vape from building up indoors.
- Driving: Although most regulations prohibit smoking in vehicles, you should still be mindful of any local regulations on vaping in vehicles. For safety, it is advisable to vape only when you have stopped driving or have completed your journey.
- In nature or other open spaces : When you are out in nature or in open spaces, vaping is generally permissible although specific regulations on the use of e-cigarettes may be applicable, as some protected areas or nature preserves may restrict such use. If you are in cities or other built areas, it is advisable to be mindful of local rules or consideration for the people around you before you begin puffing.
It can be quite confusing when you're out in public and want to take a puff of your vape. What's the protocol? Where is the right place to vape? Will you get fined? Is it OK to vape in the middle of a shopping center?
The list of possible places can be confusing, as some public places allow vaping while others don't. It's even more confusing when you've been in individual pubs, bars, and restaurants that have allowed you to vape, but other places haven't.
- Bars, pubs and restaurants: If you're entering public social premises, the sensible thing to do is ask a member of staff whether they allow vaping in the house. Even if they say yes, it's still common courtesy to be aware of other members of the public who may find the smell or action of vaping off-putting. When you want to vape, make sure that you don't waft it around the premises. Stay stationary when you want to take a puff. If places forbid vaping inside, take your vape outside to a specified smoking area to vape considerately.
- Airplanes: Can you bring a vape on a plane? The question is a common concern for travelers. So, can you vape on a plane? It is acceptable and even mandatory for you to bring your vape with you in your carry-on bags when you take a flight. As vapes have in-built batteries, they should not be placed in the check-in baggage. However passengers are not allowed to vape onboard an aircraft, nor allowed to charge the vape onboard. Vaping on an aircraft is the same as smoking on a plane; it is illegal. There have been times when vape pen batteries have set on fire mid-flight. This risk isn't the only reason, however. The air on an aircraft is circulated air. If you vape on a plane, the vapor and moisture from your e-cigarette could recirculate throughout the aircraft.
- Public transport: While rules vary across jurisdictions , most bus, coach, and train companies, along with taxis, ban vaping on public transport. This restriction is for the comfort of other passengers who do not vape and find it unpleasant. Vaping on public transport (along with bus, coach and train stations) is all down to the respect for the other passengers. It would be best if you waited until you have completed your journey before you use your e-cigarette. Certain train carriages may offer a smoking car where you may vape considerately there.
Choosing the right amount of nicotine strength is vital when you first start vaping.
- Some people opt for lower nicotine levels in vape cartridges in their first attempt at quitting smoking. During this initial transition, you may find yourself wanting to reach for the emergency pack of cigarettes in your glovebox.
- If you were a heavy smoker, you should start vaping with higher nicotine levels in your e-cigarette as your nicotine cravings will be much higher. You should try and reduce the amount of nicotine in your vape juice to help combat the cravings and eventually lose them altogether.
- Similarly, if you were more of a social smoker, you should reduce the amount of nicotine. Your body won't crave nicotine as much as a seasoned smoker would, and too much nicotine can result in a harsh hit at the back of your throat. Not pleasant, right?
Is there an average amount of puffs you should take?
- Some experts suggest that the amount of puffs you should take per vaping session is between 2 and 3.
- Even 2 to 3 puffs may help to address the nicotine intake that the body is used to. This could be significant in transitioning away from cigarettes.
- Many people feel the need to take more puffs from their vapes as they are subconsciously substituting the vape for a regular cigarette. They should try to adjust for this over time.
- Smokers tend to form habits subconsciously. They have specific breaks around the same time during the day for a cigarette, and they usually last for around the same time - the time it takes for them to smoke their cigarette.
- Even if a smoker is satisfied after two puffs of their vape, they will probably take the same amount of puffs they would take as if they were smoking for real.
- The transition from cigarettes to vaping is something that people often get used to over time. Usually, they will reduce the time they spend vaping to the average amount of 2 to 3 puffs . They realize that their nicotine craving has been addressed and can feel satisfied with fewer puffs.
Just like smoking and drinking, people should lay off vaping for a short period when it is necessary too. From health appointments to dental appointments, it can be advisable to give your vape a break for a few days.
- Dental appointments: If you have an appointment where you know you need some work doing, e.g., a filling or a tooth extraction, dentists will often advise you not to use your vape for a few days. They will recommend this, just like they would with a cigarette or alcohol consumption. This suggestion is because vaping may affect the healing process, compromise it, or persist longer.
Nicotine has been found to cause wounds to take a longer time to heal. This side effect is why dentists recommend avoiding vaping or ingesting any form of nicotine while your mouth is healing.
- Doctors appointments: If you are due an operation or have some form of a health check, you should not vape before or after - most likely, your doctor will tell you this. If you are due to have surgery, health professionals recommend taking a break from vaping during your recovery process. The reason is that nicotine consumption may interact with certain medications and affect how the drugs work, leading to a longer healing process or higher risk of infection and discomfort post-surgery.
Vaping nowadays is naturally the next step to becoming smoke-free. While vapes and e-cigarettes provide many positives as an alternative to smoking, one must also remember that you are not entirely smoke-free just yet.
Vaping still comes with certain social stigmas and implications. As such, it is always vital to be mindful of your surroundings and considerate to the people around you.
Familiarise yourself on vaping protocols, and you shouldn't run into any social or legal issues about where you can or cannot vape.
Similarly, listen to recommendations and health guidelines for vaping to ensure that you are 100% aware of how to vape.